Meet Classical Feng Shui Consultant, Life Coach & Reiki Master/Teacher, Robin Berning


Q: Tell us the story how, your company Living Your Bliss by Robin Berning started.
Having been in the health and wellness industry for over 30 years. My experience has taught me the art of helping others to discover and heal themselves. In turn, this has guided me and my passion for the work that I love.

Showing leadership qualities at an exceedingly early age, I found myself managing and mentoring others naturally. Eventually this propelled me to the path I am now on; I started out as a Spa Trainer/Manager in a renowned spa in Northern Virginia and thrived there for many years as leader.

Desiring to practice what I preach, our family moved to Cary, NC to have a better work life balance. Simple Bliss Wellness center opened in 2006 and we have never looked back. Just like everyone, we have ebbed, flowed, and evolved and are now sharing our bliss with you in the forms of Life Coaching and Feng Shui. I believe we can make big changes with subtle shifts of energy (Feng Shui) and thought (Coaching).

Q: Can you share with our audience about the services you provide?
I am a Classical Feng Shui Consultant and a Certified Life & Spiritual Life Coach.

Classical Feng Shui is very precise. We work with the year your home was built and the exact compass direction of the home. From this information we create the astrological chart that is specific to you and your home/office. In essence, it is the energetic blueprint of your sacred space. Once we have this powerful information, that is when the fun starts! 

Feng Shui-ing your space enhances and optimizes your life. It truly sets you up for success in Money, Love, Career, Health, promotes sleep, enhances relationships and happiness etc.. I could go on and on…Most people don’t even realize how their environment weighs them down or impedes growth and progress until they make the shift, then Holy Cow are they amazed! 

With the Life Coaching…

My goal as a life coach is to assist you in honoring and empowering yourself. Simply put, I help you find YOUR bliss!

Most people live lives that are “pre-programed” We go through life following along a path that was either laid out for us or that dreaded concept “expected” of us. And while you may have achieved great success, or what looks like success in the eyes of the public and on paper, there is something missing. 

Or you did follow a path that you thought you wanted, and it didn’t quite turn out the way you planned. You may have temporary times of happiness when you achieve a sought-after goal, or acquired the next “thing” but do you live in a steady state of Peace and Joy? If the answer is no, then I am here for you.

My other superpower is to help people who view their dreams as “Impossible” to open their eyes and see the possibilities. 

In the coaching world we call Impossibilities Blocks (old beliefs) & Fears (what holds us back). Often these impossibilities look like a mountain that is just too BIG. How do you move a mountain? One rock at a time! Who helps you to see the individual rocks and supports you along the way? Me! 

Q: Is there a client success story you can share with us?
Yes! Quite a few but I will just share just one. 

One of my favorite jobs I worked on (Did I tell you I love my work?!) was a corporate client. This job was a great success as things looked quite grim through the COVID experience as it has for most businesses. Through the year of the shut down and staggard start backs, I worked with my client and her staff to manage the stress and anxieties of the complete life shifts that occurred for us all as we navigated the new normal. 

As they started trickling back into work, I coached the Owner (one on one coaching) the Managers (group coaching) and the staff (presentations) to get everyone on the same page, in the same mindset and on the path back to a successful thriving business. 

Along with the people coaching, we ran the Feng Shui report and started optimizing the energies in the workspaces. Immediately upon implementing certain strategies the business started shifting into gear! The employees started working more cohesively together, operations were running smoother, business started picking up even more and back on the path to normal operations of the pre COVID era. 

It made my heart sings as not only was the owner happy with what we had accomplished, the managers and employees were giving her rave feedback on how things were feeling good! When employees are happy, clients are happy, and business owners are happy! 

Q: 2020 was a crazy year for everyone, how did Living Your Bliss do?
While it had been a trying time for a lot of people, including us, we have done well. I am an optimistic opportunist. A lot of people have expressed how 2020 MADE them stop and slow down. I say it ALLOWED me to stop and slow down. I too was on a hamster wheel of sorts and took the opportunity to stop, evaluate and execute a plan I had been mulling in my brain. I hired myself a life coach and started the shift that I had been desiring to make in my business. As I mentioned earlier, I practice what I preach. How could I not?

My philosophy is that of the serenity prayer, accept the thigs I cannot change. I had to close my business temporarily. The courage to change the things I can. I could shift my business model to what I wanted it to become. As I mentioned, I hired a life coach (yes, all good coaches have their own coaches too) and I started the shift that seemed impossible to me when I was looking at it from the inside. My coach helped me move my mountain one rock at a time and I currently live in that constant peace and joy that I mentioned earlier! 

Q: What is it about your job that most excites you?
Seeing the shift in people as they step into their own power, their authentic self and happiness. It is a beautiful thing to see someone blossom into the butterfly and relax into the life they dream of! Everything about their life changes for the better. And that is most fulfilling and exciting to me! 

Q: What's your advice for women in male-dominated fields?
Don’t push back, stand up! If you are not sure how to do that, call me!

I had a client who worked for the same company for 18 years, she had been gunning for a promotion for the last 5. Male dominated field indeed, they kept lateral moving her. She started coaching with me and in 6 months’ time she had two promotion interviews and is now sitting in a promotion position that they created for her!

Q: What's the greatest fear you've had to overcome to get where you are today? 
Trusting myself. I am not sure why because I had very supportive parents that always encouraged, lifted and supported me but for some reason, I never felt good enough. 

I suffered from the human condition that is so prevalent. The “I’m not good enough” syndrome. 

As I have walked my path, my daily practices, my faith, my determination and recognizing my vulnerabilities, all have led me to my success. I am most grateful for ALL my life experiences, yes even the “bad” ones! One of my other philosophies is that of the Chinese proverb about the farmer who lost his horse. If you don’t know it, I suggest looking it up! 

Q: Which woman inspires you and why? 
There are lots, but I have to say that Brene Brown’s was one of my first BIG inspirations. The Power of Vulnerability was monumental in my shift. I listened to all her books, and they really helped me with that human condition of “not good enough”.  

In her books she shares that she too was scared and imperfect but did it anyway. This was pivotal for me. And she is funny to boot! It is important to have humor in life.

Q: Can you tell us how you manage your work life balance?
I set very clear boundaries! I must admit, in the beginning I did not, and I suffered for it. Our bodies, minds and spirits are not meant to be “on” 24/7. 

Somehow with our instant gratification society I ended up on that hamster wheel. Once I was able to shift my business model, I made a very clear schedule as to when I see clients, when I do office work and when I am with my family and myself! I have a very regular selfcare practice now and it is nonnegotiable! I do have that peace and joy I keep referring to. 

Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience?
You cannot change other people or make them think the way you think. Weird lesson, right? It is true. 

We can discuss, debate, encourage even argue. But at the end of the day, people have the right to their opinions. Sometimes we compromise and even do things we do not want to do…but trying to make someone think the same as you are not honoring them. Nor are you honoring yourself if you try to make yourself think like someone else just to keep the peace. At the end of the day, when we do not live in our authentic truth, we eventually become restless, irritable, and discontent. 

Now, having said that, when we act in our truth with integrity and love, people can change on their own but as can we, but we cannot force them too. If we do, it is usually temporary, not sustainable, and hence unhealthy patterns form. 

With coaching, I teach people effective communication skills so that they can live in harmony with others. Whether at work or home. When we communication effectively minds open and relationships flourish! 

Six Things About Robin Berning

1. What was the last book you really got into? 
The Expected One Trilogy by Kathleen McGowan

2. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done? 
I was offered a job to work on a cruise ship when I was 22 years old. I made the decision split second and within 48 hours was on a ship to the Bahamas. I worked on the ship for a year. I met the Hubs during this time, and we are now celebrating 28 years of marriage this month!

3. Do you read reviews, or just go with your gut? 
My gut! The Hubs goes with reviews…we always seem to land on the same thing.

4. What’s your big passion? 
Living and teaching Unconditional LOVE – Living free of judgement of self and others is actually quite liberating! 

5. Have you ever met anyone famous? Who? 
Yes … President Clinton & Hillary

6.Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest? 
My sixth sense!


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